Reducing Air Pollution in Your Home

At Lion Home Service, we understand how dangerous it can be to have high levels of air pollution in your home. There are many sources of air pollution that can be minimized to improve the quality of the air that you’re breathing. You can also take steps to remove pollutants from your air once they have entered your home.

Causes of Indoor Air Pollution

Indoor air pollution can come from a variety of sources and cause health issues. Whether you’re worried about asthma getting worse or getting sick from bacteria or viruses, keeping air contaminants out of your home is important.

Harmful pollution can come from:

  • Cleaning products
  • Pet dander
  • Mold
  • Dust
  • Fireplaces
  • Smoking

Contaminants can get into your HVAC system and circulate throughout your building and degrade the air in a building. Indoor air pollution tends to be worse in the winter when windows and doors are closed and air circulation is minimized.

Steps to Minimize Exposure

Here are a couple of ways that you could minimize your personal exposure to harmful pollutants.

Maintain Your HVAC System: Keeping your air filters clean can keep dirt from getting dislodged and entering the air stream. You can also have a professional install an air purifier in your home to clean the air.

Ventilate Your Home: Keeping windows and doors open whenever possible will allow fresh air in your home and prevent the buildup of harmful chemicals or particles in the air. In the winter, open a window whenever it’s warm enough to encourage airflow in your home.

Our Trusted Indoor Air Quality Services

At Lion Home Service, we’re proud to offer a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee on all of our services. We’re fast and reliable, and we care about the well-being of all of our customers. Our service experts are highly experienced and friendly.

Call us at Lion Home Service today to see how we can help you reduce air pollutants in your Fort Collins, CO, home. Call us for other services, too. We offer heating, cooling, duct cleaning, electrical, insulation, and drain repair services.

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Useful Tips for Homeowners
Categories: Indoor Air Quality
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