Homeowner Tips
Tagged: Insulation

What Are Ice Dams and Why Are They Formed?

The attic is a part of the house that is typically underappreciated and is often just an awkward space for storing junk.  Surprisingly for most homeowners, the attic plays a big role in controlling the entire house … Read More

The Benefits of Blown Attic Insulation

Blown attic insulation comes in cellulose or fiberglass. Both materials have comparable R-values. The blown material provides a protective thermal blanket for your Northern Colorado home. Here are some of the benefits of blown attic … Read More

How Does Insulation Affect a Home’s Energy Cost?

Are your home’s energy costs out of control? Your attic’s insulation might have something to do with that. If your home is not properly insulated, you could literally have money disappearing into mid-air. Why? Because … Read More

3 Real Ways to Improve Energy Efficiency

Many people tend to neglect all the many ways they are losing money on utility bills. While there are lots of tricks to improve your energy efficiency, some methods are only minimally effective. Here are … Read More