Is Your Smoke Detector Protecting You?

Smoke Detectors

Your smoke detector may be the only thing protecting you from fire-related disasters. A functioning smoke detector is necessary to get an instant notification when a fire breaks out and, subsequently, protect your home and loved ones as best as possible.

The Importance of Smoke Detectors

A smoke detector’s primary function is to immediately detect and notify you of dangerous levels of smoke and other toxins in your home. Another necessary detector is the carbon monoxide detector. Both detectors work in tandem to help fully protect your home and everyone in it. Therefore, it is essential to have them both checked and regularly maintained to enable both to do their job of notifying your family of fires and carbon monoxide poisoning, respectively.

Smoke Detector Maintenance

Ensuring the proper function of your smoke detectors is integral to maintaining their full capacity. Additionally, smoke detectors have different functions that need to be maintained. Here are a few tips on maintaining those functions.


There are many different designs of smoke detectors. Most frequently, they run on batteries which need to be changed regularly. Thankfully, when a smoke detector is low on batteries, they send out a repeating chirping sound to help notify you that it is time for a battery replacement.


Both smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors accumulate dust, which can cause them not to function properly. You may be tempted to clean these detectors yourself. However, we don’t recommend this. Detectors are highly sensitive and highly fragile; being overzealous with cleaning them can easily cause damage.


Wiring is the other maintenance component of a detector that needs regular check-ups. The wiring can also be complex and pose electrical hazards if not handled properly. Safe maintenance requires proper equipment.

Expert Assistance with Maintenance

Ensure your maintenance is safe, secure, and high-quality. Call your Lion Electrical Team at (970) 829-8222 to set up your device inspection and prevent disaster from occurring in your home!

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