Refreshing Your Home: Restarting Your AC Unit After the Winter

As the last remnants of cooler weather fade away and the promise of warmer days are here, it’s time to switch gears and prepare for the sizzling heat of summer. And what better way to embrace the upcoming season than by ensuring your trusty air conditioning unit is up and running smoothly? Just like any machine that takes a winter hiatus, your AC system might need a little TLC before it can kick into high gear again. Here, you’ll find tips on restarting your AC unit after the winter.

Visual Inspection

Before you do anything, take a moment to visually inspect your outdoor unit. Check for any signs of damage, such as bent fins or debris buildup. Clear away any obstructions like leaves, branches, or dirt that may have accumulated during the winter months. A clean unit operates more efficiently and reduces the risk of potential problems down the line.

Replace Air Filters

Your AC filters work hard to keep the air in your home clean and free of allergens. Over time, these filters can become clogged with dust and debris, hindering airflow and reducing efficiency. Start the season fresh by either cleaning or replacing your air filters. This simple step can greatly improve your AC unit’s performance and indoor air quality. Take advantage of our Filter Subscription service and have your air filters delivered to your home!

Check Thermostat Settings

Ensure that your thermostat is set to the desired temperature and cooling mode. You may need to adjust the settings based on the current weather conditions and your comfort preferences. Consider investing in a programmable thermostat if you haven’t already, as it allows you to customize temperature settings throughout the day and can help save energy and money in the long run.

Test the System

Once you’ve completed the necessary preparations, it’s time to test your AC system to ensure everything is in working order. Turn on the unit and listen for any unusual noises, such as banging or grinding, which could indicate a mechanical issue. Check that cool air is flowing properly from the vents and that the system is effectively cooling your home. If you notice any problems, don’t hesitate to contact one of the HVAC professionals at Lion Home Service for assistance.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Finally, don’t forget to schedule regular maintenance for your AC unit to keep it running smoothly throughout the summer months. Professional maintenance from Lion Home Service not only helps identify and address potential issues early on but also extends the lifespan of your system and improves its overall performance.

With summer around the corner, it’s vital to ensure your AC unit is in optimal condition. Our Total Care Club Membership provides exclusive maintenance assessments, ensuring your cooling system runs efficiently when you need it most. Don’t overlook this essential step in home preparation. A little maintenance now can save you from major headaches later on. 

At Lion Home Service, we’re here to help you give your AC unit the attention it deserves. Contact us today at (970) 510-0522 to enjoy a refreshingly cool home all summer long.

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Categories: Air Conditioning
restarting your ac unit after the winter
Refreshing Your Home: Restarting Your AC Unit After the Winter As the last remnants of cooler weather fade away and the promise of warmer days are here, it’s time to switch gears and prepare for the sizzling heat of summer. And what better way to … Read More
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