Why Pumping Your Septic Matters

Why Pumping Your Septic Matters

We’ve spoken multiple times in past blogs about the proper care for your septic system. Your septic requires care, from regular maintenance to pumping, just like any other investment. You may not care or think about it as much as your car, but it requires just as much care as one. One of the things you should be doing regularly is getting your septic tank pumped. Let’s look at why pumping your septic matters and what can happen if you don’t.

Why does pumping my septic tank matter?

The simple answer is that it is part of the regular maintenance you should be doing for your septic system. One reason that you should pump your septic tank is that it helps keep the tank from overflowing. This happens predominantly during times of heavy usage, i.e., during holidays or when you have guests over. Septic overflow can be costly to clean up, hazardous, and super-smelly, so it’s best to avoid it. It can also help to keep the sewage odor at a minimum. The longer waste sits in the tank, the more likely your septic system may have a particularly unpleasant odor. Septic tanks that don’t get pumped can also affect your grass and drainage. For example, a full septic tank may make draining slower. It may also create puddles in your grass or discoloration. Overall, it’s best to get your septic tank pumped every 2-3 years or as recommended by a professional.

What happens if you don’t pump your septic tank regularly?

You may be thinking, “Okay, I should pump my septic tank, but I don’t have to…”. The fact is that you NEED to be pumping your tank regularly, and if you aren’t, there are consequences. Let’s look at some of these potential consequences now.

Septic Tank Access Point

  • You may experience a septic backup, as we mentioned above. This is when sewage water and waste come back through the drains and into your home. This includes bathroom sinks and showers. This can be smelly and even hazardous to your health.
  • You may have patches of grass that grow greener or puddles near your septic tank. These can be smelly and will disrupt your landscaping and lawn care.
  • Not pumping your septic may cause water contamination for your home or neighboring properties. This is dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.

Now you know – pumping your septic matters. You should be pumping your septic every 2-3 years or as recommended by your trusted septic expert. Don’t push this aside; just like caring for your car, pumping your septic should be done on time. You want this system to last, and one way to make that happen is to take proper care of it. For questions, concerns, or to schedule your next septic pump out: call (970) 829-822

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