Halloween Safety Tips

According to the National Fire Protection Association, almost 800 house fires a year happen on Halloween alone due to decoration mishaps*. Here are four ways to keep you and your family safe from accidental fires this Halloween.

Jack-O-Lantern Lighting

Switching from real candles to electric or battery-powered candles is an easy way to increase your home’s safety this Halloween. You can even find fake candles that flicker like real ones to keep the same aesthetic.


Avoid picking or wearing costumes with long trailing fabric. These can accidentally drag through an open flame and set you on fire. If your outfit requires a long cloth, try finding one with flame-resistant material.

Heat Sources

Be aware of heat sources around your home! For example, more than 44% of fires on Halloween occur because the decorations were too close to a heat source, such as a candle or hot equipment.

Smoke Alarm

Always double-check that your smoke alarms are working correctly. If something goes wrong, smoke alarms are often the first alert you will receive.

For more information on home safety or to set up an appointment with one of our electrical experts today, visit our website or call (970) 632-2281.

*Information for this article was gathered from the National Fire Protection Association.

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