When you flush your toilet or run your dishwasher, you’re probably not considering what happens after the water leaves your home. We don’t blame you; who wants to spend all day thinking about their waste system and what’s happening to discarded water. But it can be helpful to understand the basics of the two systems that remove waste and water from your home. The first system that you see commonly used is the municipal sewer system. The second system is a septic system, where Lion Home Service specializes. But we’ll talk about both systems in this blog so that you can get a basic understanding of each system and how it works.
Septic Systems
Septic systems have three major components, pipes, a septic tank, and a drain field. There are several kinds of septic systems as well. Each one is meant to work in a particular set of conditions. However, almost all septic systems generally work in the same way. First, waste and water flow from your home through the pipes to the septic tank. It will be separated and broken down by natural bacteria in the tank. From there, solids will remain in the tank while the “clean” water will move through the pipes into the drain field. Once in the drain field, it will be redistributed into the ground.
Septic systems are great because they are often the more eco-friendly option between the two systems. This is because they don’t require harsh chemicals to process the water. The septic tank and drain field work as natural filters. Septic systems are also longer-lasting and cheaper when well-cared for. You don’t have to pay a monthly fee for the systems; if regular maintenance is done, they can last a long time before needing replacement. Septic systems are overall an excellent option for sewage removal.
Septic systems do require maintenance on your end, though. They need yearly upkeep, septic tank pumpings, and other maintenance/repairs to continue functioning correctly. For these reasons, they may not be everyone’s first choice. However, with the right septic professionals on your side, you won’t need to worry. Professionals like those at Lion Home Service can help you care for your system the right way, making septic an excellent waste removal option.
City Sewer Systems
A municipal sewer system is a little less complicated than a septic system. It only contains two main parts: a pipe system leading from your home and a waste treatment plant. The system works by carrying waste and water through the pipe system from your home to a treatment plant. Once at the treatment plant, the waste will be processed using chemicals, ultimately removing contaminants. These systems are easy because there’s nothing for you to maintain; local governments manage them. The downside is that you do have to pay monthly for the services.
Municipal sewer systems are often less environmentally friendly because of the use of chemicals to treat the water. However, they are easy to maintain because you, the individual, do not do that. This means if the system goes down, it’s not something you have to worry about fixing. The other great thing about these systems is that they withstand massive amounts of water. So, consistent water usage, heavy downpours, or flooding are not likely to affect use.
How do you know which system is right for you?
In most cases, the choice may not be up to you. Depending on the location of your home, you may have to settle for whichever option is provided/works best. For example, a septic system will likely be your only option for those in rural areas. On the other hand, those in neighborhoods or close to the city center may be expected to use the city system. Either way, we encourage you to do your research and if you have a choice, make the one that best suits your needs.
If you have a septic system or believe a septic system is an option for you, visit our website. Lion Septic Service is a trusted and qualified septic provider in the NoCo area. Our highly trained experts look forward to working with you on your home’s septic system. You can learn more about us here or by calling (970) 829-8222.