Is It Time To Change Your HVAC Filter?

You may need to change your filter more often than you realize!

Air filters are a crucial component of your HVAC system. They not only keep your air clean but also improve the efficiency of your system. Many people don’t realize that air filters also protect the inner workings of their HVAC system. Filthy filters make it easier for dust and dirt to settle on components that need to stay clean to work correctly. To ensure optimum performance, your HVAC system’s filter needs to be replaced by regulatory. However, several factors may affect how regularly replacements need to be made.

What Are Filters Made Of?

Air filters can be made of many materials such as fiberglass and polyester but, their primary purpose is always the same. Air filters prevent dirt, dust, pollen, and other debris from entering your HVAC system. Depending on your system and your filter’s rating, your filter may even capture bacteria and viruses. Ensure to check your unit’s requirements when choosing new filters to ensure they are made of adequate material and have sufficient filtering capacity.

How Do You Replace Your Filter?

you should replace the air filter at least once every six months, but most filters will need to be replaced much sooner. The regularity with which you should replace your air filter depends on several factors, including:

  • How often you use your HVAC system
  • Whether or not you have pets
  • The air quality in your neighborhood
  • The size of your home
  • Allergies in your home

If you have a fiberglass filter, then you may need to replace it as often as every month. Air filters made from higher quality materials often last much longer.

Filters Have An Important Role To Play

A dirty air filter forces your HVAC system to work much harder than it should to move air around. Dirty filters also tend to release some of the debris they have picked up if they are left in your system for longer than they should be. However, certain HEPA filters may also cause your HVAC system to work harder even while clean. HEPA filters provide superior filtration at the cost of making it harder for air to move through them. When choosing a replacement air filter, make sure you choose a level of filtration that is right for your home and budget.

Let Our HVAC Experts Handle Your Filter Replacements

The easiest way to replace your air filter will be to have a professional do it for you. Most HVAC companies will clean or replace your air filter as a regular part of their HVAC maintenance services. They will know what kind of filter is best for your system and when its next cleaning or replacement should occur. You may not need a full maintenance service performed on your HVAC every single month. Still, an occasional check-in with a local HVAC company like Lion Home Service will set you up for continued performance from your HVAC system. So, what are you waiting for? Contact us for help with your filters today!

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Categories: Air Conditioning, Heating
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