If you’re like most modern consumers, you’ve noticed a distinct rise in energy costs during the past several years, and you probably want to find ways to keep them as low as possible this winter. Fortunately, strategies exist that allow homeowners in Fort Collins to cut household energy costs significantly.
Turn Your Thermostat Down at Night and When You’re at Work
Turning your thermostat down 10 degrees at night and when you’re out of the house during the workday can result in savings of 15 to 20 percent on your heating bill. Busy people sometimes struggle with remembering to turn the heat up or down on a regular schedule, so consider having a programmable thermostat installed that will perform this chore for you.
Have Your Furnace Maintained at the Start of Winter
A furnace that’s been properly maintained is going to be far more efficient than its counterpart that’s been neglected — and greater efficiency translates to savings. Scheduling a maintenance visit from a skilled HVAC professional ensures that your furnace is ready to go when temperatures plunge. Keep in mind that most furnace malfunctions occur during the first serious cold snap of the season, usually as a result of systems becoming overloaded because they haven’t been properly serviced.
Seal Off Vents in Rooms You Don’t Use
There’s no sense in heating parts of your home that aren’t in regular use during the winter, so close the vents in guest or storage rooms as soon as seasonal temperatures begin to fall. This directs the energy to the rooms you’re actually spending time in, and you can always open the heating vent for those times when you’ve got guests.
Don’t Leave Exhaust Fans Running
Exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms are essential for pulling unwanted humidity out of the air, but leaving them running longer than necessary also drains valuable heat from the air.
Use LED Lights for Your Holiday Decorating
Holiday lights are a huge energy drain for the average household, but you can cut utility costs substantially by using LED lights instead of traditional options. They also burn about 75 percent less hot, making them far less of a fire hazard.
Furnace Installation in Northern Colorado
Please feel free to contact us at Lion Home Services at your convenience for more information on keeping energy costs in Fort Collins low. We offer furnace repair, installation, and maintenance services!